About me

I am a Croatian photographer based in Brussels, Belgium.

Growing up in a family with an artist and an art lover, I was always surrounded by visual arts. Photography was a logical medium for me as it included both technical and artistic sides, and I am interested in both.

As a young student, I created composites and visualizations for my father’s architectural work and loved it. I tried to stay in that area of work for a short while, but the realities of the postwar market and, admittedly, a bit of my indecision turned my career towards IT and business consulting.

Wanting to do things my way, I’ve left the relative safety of the corporate world after two decades and started my own company based on drones.

But the more I was invested in my new business, the more I realized something was still missing. I liked being close to aviation, my other passion, but the creative me was missing something. Even though I occasionally created a few photos, the results were rarely more than a decent family album piece.  

“You don’t take a photograph; you make it.” That famous Ansel Adams saying made me realize what I’ve been missing and that making a great photo takes much more than good composition and camera mastery. Suddenly, I knew that if I wanted to give my photography a serious chance, I would need to invest much more time, energy, and emotions. Relying on a chance to create a stunning photo will not be enough. I decided to give it my best shot and see where it takes me…

This site is the result of that decision. I am at the phase where I need to stop hiding and show my work to the world.

With the blog, I would like to help people in similar situations. Yes, it is about photography, but also life, career change, and, most of all, daring to be a rookie again.

Thank you for passing by and taking a look. I’d be happy to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to share your comments. For example, send me a message on Instagram or an email using the form below.


